About now II

I know updates have been slow this year. I know now this site will not be able to keep up to date with all the new awarded games.

I hope I can keep updating every once in a while and won't forget any new awards. My main goal is a list of as many boardgame awards as I can find. Second: to keep it updated.

A lot of awards are not as clear as I thought. Or have websites in laguages I don't understand. I will try to keep everything as correct and complete as possible.

October 2009

4 opmerkingen:

LH zei

Thank you for bringing all these pieces together.

Ubiratã de Oliveira zei

The Brazilian Award: JoTa will begin...
You use this blog yet?
If you want I can send informations and the results...

BaSL zei


I'll update it.


Dev Singh zei

I would love if you continued to update this blog -- My girlfriend loves rare board games and I'm doing research to find a good one for her birthday...Been checking out boardgamegeeks.com among other places but if there was a better aggregate of the highest rated games available, that'd be cool. I'll check back soon.