
The SpellenSpektakel website (SpellenSpektakel is the biggest convention in The Netherlands) is trying to become the central website for Dutch & Flemish gaming. With an active forum and a small game database. As with BGG, users can rate the games in the database and all games with 10+ ratings get ranked.

The list of games is limited to games with a Dutch edition.

Top 10, july 10, 2009

  1. Puerto Rico
  2. YINSH
  3. Agricola
  4. El Grande
  5. Eufraat & Tigris
  6. Settlers of Catan - Cities & Knights
  7. Princes of Florence
  8. Powergrid
  9. Pandemic
  10. Age of Empires III

Top 10, april 17, 2008

  1. Eufraat & Tigris
  2. El Grande
  3. Settlers of Catan - Cardgame
  4. Caylus
  5. Settlers of Catan - Cities & Knights
  6. Bohnanza
  7. Amun-Re
  8. Carcassonne
  9. Keythedral
  10. Goa

Top 10, september 10, 2006

  1. El Grande
  2. Caylus
  3. Euphrates & Tigris
  4. Settlers of Catan - Cardgame
  5. Keythedral
  6. Settlers of Catan - Cities & Knights
  7. Carcassonne
  8. Web of Power
  9. 6 Nimmt!
  10. Bohnanza

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