Charles S. Roberts Awards - nominees 2009

Thanks to Allan Rothberg.

Winners will be announced at the 2009 World Boardgaming Championships.

Best Pre-WWII era Board Game
Espana 1936 (Devir)
Manoeuvre (GMT Games LLC)
Pursuit of Glory (GMT Games LLC)
Unhappy King Charles (GMT Games LLC)
Warriors of God (Multi Man Publications, Inc.)

Best World War II Board Game
Combat Commander Pacific (GMT Games LLC)
Conflict of Heroes (Academy Games)
Storm Over Stalingrad (Multi Man Publications, Inc. )
The Devil's Cauldron (Multi Man Publications, Inc.)
Valor of the Guards (Multi Man Publications, Inc.)

Best Post-WWII era Board Game
Birds of Prey (Ad Astra Games)
World at War: Death of the 1st Panzer (Lock n Load Publishing, LLC)
Fields of Fire (GMT Games LLC)
Day of Heroes (Lock n Load Publishing, LLC)
Re d Dragon Rising: The Coming War with China (Decision Games)

Best Graphic Design
Conflict of Heroes (Academy Games)
Monmouth (GMT Games LLC)
The Devil's Cauldron, MMP (Multi Man Publications, Inc.)
Unhappy King Charles (GMT Games LLC)
Warriors of God (Multi Man Publications, Inc.)

Best Desktop Publishing Game
Caesar XL (Victory Point Games)
First Strike (Schutze Games)
Israeli Independence (Victory Point Games)
June’44 (DDH Games)
No Retreat! (Victory Point Games)

Best Magazine Game
Cobra: The Normandy Campaign (Strategy & Tactics, Decision Games)
Guerra a Muerte (Against the Odds, LPS)
Day of the Chariot: Kadesh (Against the Odds, LPS)
Iwo Jima: Rage Against the Marines (Operations, MMP)
Red Dragon Rising: The Coming War with China (Strategy & Tactics, Decision Games)

Best Professional Game Magazine
Against the Odds (LPS)
C3i Magazine (RBM Publication)
Operations (Multi Man Publications, Inc.)
Strategy & Tactics (Decision Games)
World at War (Decision Games)

Best Amateur Game Magazine
Armchair General (The Weider History Group)
Dispatches from the Bunker (Vic Provost)
Line of Departure (Jim Werbaneth)
No Turkeys (Valgames)
Panzer Digest (Minden Games)

James F. Dunnigan Design Elegance Award
Uwe Eickhart
Nicolas Eskubi
Chad Jensen
Nick Richardson
Adam Starkweather

Best Historical/Scenario Article
Combat Commander: Variant Rules by Chad Jensen and John Foley (C3i Magazine)
Flying Colors: Trafalgar Campaign by Mark Barker (C3i Magazine)
Making Waves by Brian Youse (Operations Magazine)
4) Throttling Up The Drums: The Luftwaffe & Operation Paukenschlag by J.D. Webster (Against the Odds, LPS)
Twilight Struggle: The Chinese Civil War by Jason Matthews (C3i Magazine)

Best Game Review or Analysis Article
Empire of the Sun: Opening Strategy by Mark Herman (C3i Magazine)
Top 20 Games – A Look Back by Steve Carey (C3i Magazine)
Card Driven Games, A False Choice by Mark Herman (Against the Odds, LPS)

Best Pre-20th Century Era Computer Wargame
Not awarded this year
Best 20th Century Era Computer Wargame
Not awarded this year
Clausewitz Award HALL OF FAME
Not awarded this year.

Guldbrikken - Special Jury Prize

Guldbrikken - Denmark - since 2009

Guldbrikken is a Danish award that started in 2009. The jury is formed by people from the boardgame industry and Danish boardgaming clubs.

  • Børnespil - Children's Game
  • Familiespil - Family Games
  • Voksenspil - Adult Games
  • Juryens specialpris - Special Jury Prize
Special Jury Prize

Thanks to Niko!

Guldbrikken Familiespil - Family

Guldbrikken - Denmark - since 2009

Guldbrikken is a Danish award that started in 2009. The jury is formed by people from the boardgame industry and Danish boardgaming clubs.

  • Børnespil - Children's Game
  • Familiespil - Family Games
  • Voksenspil - Adult Games
  • Juryens specialpris - Special Jury Prize
Family Games

Thanks to Niko!

Guldbrikken Voksenspil - Adult

Guldbrikken - Denmark - since 2009

Guldbrikken is a Danish award that started in 2009. The jury is formed by people from the boardgame industry and Danish boardgaming clubs.

  • Børnespil - Children's Game
  • Familiespil - Family Games
  • Voksenspil - Adult Games
  • Juryens specialpris - Special Jury Prize
Adult Games

Thanks to Niko!

Guldbrikken Børnespil - Children

Guldbrikken - Denmark - since 2009

Guldbrikken is a Danish award that started in 2009. The jury is formed by people from the boardgame industry and Danish boardgaming clubs.

  • Børnespil - Children's Game
  • Familiespil - Family Games
  • Voksenspil - Adult Games
  • Juryens specialpris - Special Jury Prize
Children's Game

Thanks to Niko!

Jogo do Ano 2008

The Jogo do Ano 2008 is Agricola.

The Portugese Game of the Year is awarded by game enthousiasts from Spiel Portugal.

Thanks to Soledade!

Spiele-Hits für Familien

Spiel der Spiele - Austria - since 2001

The Wiener Spiele Akademie awards one Spiel der Spiele and different Spiele-Hits.

Spiele-Hits für Familien

Gouden Ludo

Gouden Ludo - Belgium - since 2009

Flemish award that was awarded for the first time on November 27, 2009.

Toy of the Year

Toy of the Year - Belgium - since 2000

The Belgische Speelgoed Federatie (Belgian Toy Federation) awards the Toy of the Year award in many categories, including games. Last year awards were also given in a Children's Game and Family Game category. I won't split all categories here, but rather list the winning games.

2010 Hop Kikker Hop & Buzz It!
2009 Suspect & Woordenrace
2005 Rapido, Niagara, Monopoly 70 & Verkeersspel
2000 (no games awarded)

Thanks to Gwen and Stef!

Belgium Toy Award

Belgium Toy Award - Belgium

I have no idea what or why or when. Any information is welcome.

1999 Tikal

Spiele-Hits mit Freunden

Spiel der Spiele - Austria - since 2001

The Wiener Spiele Akademie awards one Spiel der Spiele and different Spiele-Hits.

Spiele-Hits mit Freunden

Spiele-Hits für Experten

Spiel der Spiele - Austria - since 2001

The Wiener Spiele Akademie awards one Spiel der Spiele and different Spiele-Hits.

Spiele-Hits für Experten

2006 (no award)
2003 Amun-Re
2001 (no award)

List of updates

Running List of Updates:

  • 2009 Spiel des Jahres (GER): Dominion
  • 2008 IGA Historical Simulation (INT): Asia Engulfed
  • 2008 AGA (AUS): Kogworks
  • 2008 Hra Roku (CZ): Agricola
  • 2008 Årets Spil Adult (DAN): Bet Your Brain
  • 2008 Årets Spil Kids (DAN): Pixeline Skolehjælp: Bogstaver og Ord
  • 2008 Årets Spil Kids (DAN): Rubik's Revolution
  • 2006 Kids As d'Or (FR): Splash Attack!
  • 2009 Faidutti (FR): Small World
  • 2009 Kinderspiel des Jahres (GER): Das Magische Labyrinth
  • 2008 Premio Archimede (ITA): Lorenzo il Magnifico
  • Updated "Ranks & Lists"
  • Added Puerto Rico and Age of Steam to SUMO/Counter HoF
  • 2008 Jogo do Ano (POR): Agricola
  • Toy of the Year (BEL)

(Yeah, I missed quite a few...)

New Listings:

  • Spiele Hits Experten (OST)
  • Spiele Hits Freunden (OST)
  • 3 Belgian awards with little info. (BEL)
  • Spiele Hits Familien (OST)
  • Guldbrikken (DAN)

About now

I know updates have been slow this year. I know now this site will not be able to keep up to date with all the new awarded games.

I hope I can keep updating every once in a while and won't forget any new awards. My main goal is a list of as many boardgame awards as I can find. Second: to keep it updated.

A lot of awards are not as clear as I thought. Or have websites in laguages I don't understand. I will try to keep everything as correct and complete as possible.

October 2009


I've been fighting with Blogger for some time now. Things don't work as they used to.

Right now I've switched to the 'new' blogger. This will mean: a lot of puzzling for me. I have no idea how everything works and will be puzzling to find out. Over time I'll try to edit all the old posts that are linked in the sidebar so that one day everything looks fine....

Updates on awards will be limited for now.

Let me know if anything goes wrong or ugly!

July 2009

Work in progress...

Working on the 'new' blogger. Updates after that.